撰稿人: Simon Brown
August 23rd, 2019: So, not a big station by any measure, but a nice location and an excellent 6 element LFA quad from Innov Antennas. I'm very pleased with the antenna - picking beacons from around Europe today. The LFA-Q (Loop Fed Array Quad) Low-Noise Yagi takes a lot of the good points from the LFA Yagi and adds some more. the LFA-Q is a quad with a difference. Rather than placing symmetrical square or triangular shaped loops in a Yagi configuration, the LFA-Q uses the LFA Yagi style loops to produce high levels of side suppression, the difference being every element is a loop rather than just the driven element. The station: TS-2000, No amplifier :( , 20m Ecoflex 15 Plus, SSB Electronik SP-2000 mast-head preamp, 3m Exoflex 10, 6 element LFA quad on a Yaesu G-1000DXC rotator. Only one day after getting the antenna assembled there is a nice lift - worked EA8TX in IL18qi, that's 1619.7 miles. Note: the pre-amp is getting on a bit (like the TS-2000 and G4ELI) but works well. If I buy a big amplifier I'll have to rethink the preamp setup. To monitor the band I use the Airspy HF+ Discovery, sooner or later I'll get a small board inside the TS-2000 so I can use it as a panadapter.